Friday, April 5, 2013

Transformation Day 2

I'm amazed by the power of our minds!  I set an intention that the cleanse would be easy, and so far, so good!  Last time, when I did the cleanse, I was afraid and worried, which made things more difficult.  I thought, "I'm going to be so hungry," and "What if I can't do it?"  I also felt guilty for not following the cleanse exactly. On the first day, I deviated from it due to food addictions and cravings that I hadn't mastered yet, and I was too hard on myself.  This time, I said:  "I am committed to doing the Pure version of the cleanse, and it will be easy."  I also accepted the fact that if I decide to enjoy some of the "flex" foods, then it's perfectly OK.

I am making a conscious effort to think about the reasons why I'm doing this.  I imagine myself living in perfect health: energetic, disease-free with clear skin and a fit body.  It's incredible how much of a difference the mindset makes.  And I'm super excited that my friend Heather has decided to do the cleanse too!  I had a great conversation with her on the phone this a.m. and I shared a $50 gift card with her.  It feels so good to support people on their path to wellness.

So, here I am on Day 2.  Purium's 10-Day Transformation offers a "flex" option, which allows up to 3 approved foods per day.  Flex foods are: 1/2 an organic apple, a small banana, half an avocado, one cup of watermelon, 8oz of almond milk, 8oz. of coconut milk, 8oz of unsweetened tea and any purium green drink.   Yesterday, I really wanted that avocado, so I indulged around 3 p.m.  It was delicious.  Aside from that, I followed the plan exactly.  I alternated the aminos and green power drink throughout the day, and I enjoyed the apothe cherry before I went to bed.  The cherry drink feels like a treat at the end of the night.  It's a little sour and I really like the taste.  It's been an easy substitute for my usual glass of wine with dinner.  Here's a photo of the products:

A friend invited me to a workshop hosted by a Natropathic Doctor yesterday evening.  It was a 3-hour event, and we got to learn all about digestion, nutrition and the dangers of fast food and processed food.  I was amazed and horrified to learn that average store bought ice cream contains more than 300 chemicals.  Meanwhile, chicken nuggets from McDonald's contain a chemical that is used in caulking and breast implants.  As for artificial sweeteners... never again will they go into this body.  I learned that aspartame, when heated over 85 degrees (in other words, when put in coffee), turns into formaldehyde. Our bodies don't know how to process chemicals like these, which could explain why so many Americans are sick with disease and why childhood obesity is at an all time high.  Not to mention, many of the chemicals I'm speaking of are highly addictive, so people keep consuming them.

I think awareness is so important.  Too often, we have no idea what we are putting into our bodies and it's literally killing us.  The good news is... it doesn't have to be this way.  We can cleanse, to jump start our metabolisms.  And the beautiful thing about this cleanse is the fact that it's 100% natural and jam-packed with nutrients and organic ingredients such as: rice bran, carrot juice, activated barley, wheat grass, kaumt, alfalfa leaf and more. By introducing these organic superfood living greens into our diets, change is possible, and the benefits are so worth it.  You are worth it and your families are worth it.

So, I'm now mid-way through Day 2, and I'm feeling great.  Just like I imagined, I'm energetic and getting lots of work done. I love the productivity spike that comes with feeling good.  I get to have my green drink in about an hour, and I'm definitely looking forward to it.  The stomach feels a little hungry today, and that's to be expected.  After all, Day 2 is the most challenging - but I know it's smooth sailing after this.  Tonight will be my real test, as I have a dinner meeting with some fellow ASFP board members to discuss our upcoming fundraiser.  In tomorrow's blog, I'll update you on that.

It feels good to know that there's so much support and information available too... from friends who have also done the cleanse and through the Purium website.

Until next time...


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