I was introduced to Purium Health Products almost three months ago, with the intention of seeking out an all natural protein shake. My friend Ryan told me about a transformational cleanse intended to jump start the metabolism and increase energy. The best part... it's 100% natural (no binders, fillers, artificial colors/ flavors, no dairy, no soy and no genetically modified organisms). Sign me up!
I had never done a cleanse before. I was nervous about completing the 10 days in excellence. I had faith in my commitment to health and wellness, so I was up for the challenge. Little did I know that the cleanse would also prove to be one of the most mentally transformative experiences of my life. It enabled me to see where my food addictions lived. Was I really hungry or was I simply craving certain textures and flavors? Salty, crunchy, and sweet seemed to be my favorite. It was empowering to realize that I was capable of "conscious eating." I realized that I didn't need to snack on things simply because I wanted the sensation of the flavor. After coming to these realizations, an amazing thing happened: My cravings started to diminish. I was losing weight and my energy level spiked.
I teach children's fitness classes, and during the cleanse, I felt like a child myself. I was bouncing out of bed at 5:30 a.m., full of energy and ready to take on my day. I was more productive with my work; my clothes started to fit better; and I felt amazing. I wasn't hungry either. Granted, Day 1 and Day 2 were the most challenging, and once I got over that 2-day hump, I was on a roll! By the end of the cleanse, I had dropped 10 lbs.
It's been a few months, and I've successfully cut out caffeine, dairy and soy from my diet. I've been vegetarian for almost 8 years, and for me personally, the cleanse helped me realize the importance of living raw food. My favorite restaurant now is Leafy Greens Cafe. So delicious and healthy :) And the energy that courses through my body after eating (or drinking) live greens is amazing.
For these reasons, I've decided to do the cleanse again. Today is my first day. The schedule is:
7 a.m.: master aminos
9 a.m.: power green shake
11:30 a.m.: master aminos
2 p.m.: power green shake
4 p.m.: master aminos
6:30 p.m.: power green shake
9:30 p.m.: apothe cherry (made from Montmorency Tart Cherries, which are nature’s most nutritionally dense food. They contain a wide variety of antioxidants and phyto-chemicals).
I woke up this morning feeling excited and ready. Following morning meditation, I drank my first green drink (an amazing blend of nutritious, organic ingredients such as: activated barley, carrot juice, kamut, wheat grass, alfalfa leaf, rice bran solubles and more). As I drank it, I could feel my body thanking me. I love the taste and I know that I'm receiving nutrients straight from Mother Nature. Last time I did the cleanse, Day 2 was the most challenging. Stay tuned for tomorrow's blog. I have a feeling this time will be a little easier. I also promise to share authentically... bumps & challenges along with the successes.
My intention with this blog is to inspire others to take themselves on in this way too. I believe that we are powerful, creative beings and that we deserve magnificent health. I thought I was eating healthy for many years, yet I knew nothing about the harmful effects of GMOs, pesticides sprayed on fruits & veggies or the misleading packaging of foods that I thought were good for me. And I'm still learning every day. There's an amazing book called The Green Foods Bible... I've started reading it and still have a ways to go. More on that soon, I'm sure.
Meanwhile, here's some more info. about Purium and the Cleanse:
If you decide to join me in the 10-Day Transformation, please let me know. I'm here to support you and be your cheerleader. I also have a limited number of gift cards to share with friends/ family who are interested.
Cheers to Great Health & Wellness!
XOXO, Abby
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