Welcome to my Health, Healing and Wellness blog! Here, I will discuss fitness, nutrition, mindful movement and creative expression. Thanks for visiting!
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Molly and the Hoola Monsters
Turning dreams into reality... this project has been a long time coming. So excited to finally share it :)
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Choosing Self Love in Relationships
Her message came to me at the perfect time. Just this week, I cut ties with an individual who I wasn't communicating well with. I started to notice that I was consistently feeling drained after spending time with this person. I began to question the reasons why we hung out, until ultimately - the decision to cut ties became crystal clear.
Making the decision to sever a toxic relationship can be tricky. I like to be liked, and I kept thinking about the circumstances that led to our conflict. I felt compelled to reach out to this person. Instead, I handled it in silence... it was hard. I'm not usually one to bite my tongue. I meditated on it and refrained from communicating. I realized that I am not responsible for what others say and do. I am, however, fully responsible for my own thoughts, actions and reactions. For this reason, I am making a conscious effort to be careful with my words. And like my mom always said, "If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all." Instead, I silently sent this person positive vibes and well wishes for a happy, healthy life.
Some relationships are toxic, and they can come in the form of friendships, romantic partnerships, business interactions... they can pop up almost anywhere. Let's love ourselves enough to take notice when a relationship no longer serves us. Let's refrain from gossip, hateful games, and spreading rumors. While it can be difficult to cut ties with people who don't align with this mentality, it's for the best. We can send them love and peace and just go our separate ways. And if we catch ourselves slipping into old patterns, just STOP and choose the positive path.
I am making a conscious decision to surround myself with like minded people. My friend circle is a sacred space, and I believe that friendships should be based on love, trust, honesty and mutual respect.
Sending love to you today and well wishes for healthy, honest, loving and fulfilling relationships...
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Dreams DO Come True
"My loving truth shines for all to see" - Deepak Chopra
This year, so far, has been one of massive transformation. I'm taking notice of thought patterns and belief systems that no longer serve me, and I am replacing them with positive affirmations for the greater good. Sometimes I slip and forget. And when that happens, I do my best to identify what new possibilities exist. Take Facebook, for example: I'm guilty of posting updates and/ or pictures and then falling into ego-centric loops. "Is what I said acceptable?" "Do I look ok in that photo?" "Who's commenting and what did they say?" There have been times when I neglect to be present with the people around me because I'm glued to my phone or computer. By recognizing these behavior patterns, I am now able to stop them, in the moment, and re-focus my attention. Being present NOW is a powerful place to be.
Daily meditation keeps me centered, and I've been doing a lot more yoga. Reading spiritual books such as Eckhart Tolle's "The Power of Now" and "Awakening to a New Earth" have been wildly transformational. This year, I also completed Gratitude Training (my dad affectionately calls it a love cult)... it was definitely a positive, life changing experience. Of course, Purium entered my life this year too, and pumping my body full of greens and plant-based goodies is keeping my energy level high. I start every day with either LOVE or the Power Shake. I like to blend it with half a banana, almond milk, sprouts and natural peanut butter... it makes for a powerhouse breakfast, and it's especially helpful on days when I'm entertaining/ teaching lots of kids.
I've had the opportunity to attend food healing workshops, and some long-term changes have been made. I've been off dairy, processed soy and caffeine for months, and I'm consuming lots of healthy raw, organic, vegan food. REAL food. Food that comes from Mother Nature. I feel energized, clear minded and productive as a result.
New people have entered my life too. Creative, intelligent, dependable, loving, supportive, amazing people. People who show up and do whatever it takes to help out. I'm blown away by their love, support and generosity. Blair Welcome: I swear, you are an angel on Earth. I have so many people to thank and acknowledge, and I can't wait to do so at our DVD release party... stay tuned for details on that :)
To bring you up to speed: For a couple of years now, I've dreamed of creating a children's hoop dance DVD. And it's finally happening! Production began on Monday, and I couldn't be happier with the way things are coming together. My business partner and I have a great relationship, and it's been a pleasure working together. We filmed at two locations on Day 1, and there was a moment that brought me to tears. I looked around at one point and realized there were more than 50 people on set. They were all there (family members, friends, students, production team, cast members) supporting my vision and turning my dream into reality. I was overwhelmed with gratitude.
We are heading into a busy few days of filming, and I'm feeling healthy, inspired and loved. I believe that working with children is part of my life's purpose. The goal of the DVD is to instill a message of creativity and self confidence, while encouraging kids to follow their dreams.
I also believe that a bright light shines within each and every one of us. We all have big gifts to share, and when we tap into our creativity and passion, possibilities are endless.
Dreams DO come true!
This year, so far, has been one of massive transformation. I'm taking notice of thought patterns and belief systems that no longer serve me, and I am replacing them with positive affirmations for the greater good. Sometimes I slip and forget. And when that happens, I do my best to identify what new possibilities exist. Take Facebook, for example: I'm guilty of posting updates and/ or pictures and then falling into ego-centric loops. "Is what I said acceptable?" "Do I look ok in that photo?" "Who's commenting and what did they say?" There have been times when I neglect to be present with the people around me because I'm glued to my phone or computer. By recognizing these behavior patterns, I am now able to stop them, in the moment, and re-focus my attention. Being present NOW is a powerful place to be.
Daily meditation keeps me centered, and I've been doing a lot more yoga. Reading spiritual books such as Eckhart Tolle's "The Power of Now" and "Awakening to a New Earth" have been wildly transformational. This year, I also completed Gratitude Training (my dad affectionately calls it a love cult)... it was definitely a positive, life changing experience. Of course, Purium entered my life this year too, and pumping my body full of greens and plant-based goodies is keeping my energy level high. I start every day with either LOVE or the Power Shake. I like to blend it with half a banana, almond milk, sprouts and natural peanut butter... it makes for a powerhouse breakfast, and it's especially helpful on days when I'm entertaining/ teaching lots of kids.
I've had the opportunity to attend food healing workshops, and some long-term changes have been made. I've been off dairy, processed soy and caffeine for months, and I'm consuming lots of healthy raw, organic, vegan food. REAL food. Food that comes from Mother Nature. I feel energized, clear minded and productive as a result.
New people have entered my life too. Creative, intelligent, dependable, loving, supportive, amazing people. People who show up and do whatever it takes to help out. I'm blown away by their love, support and generosity. Blair Welcome: I swear, you are an angel on Earth. I have so many people to thank and acknowledge, and I can't wait to do so at our DVD release party... stay tuned for details on that :)
To bring you up to speed: For a couple of years now, I've dreamed of creating a children's hoop dance DVD. And it's finally happening! Production began on Monday, and I couldn't be happier with the way things are coming together. My business partner and I have a great relationship, and it's been a pleasure working together. We filmed at two locations on Day 1, and there was a moment that brought me to tears. I looked around at one point and realized there were more than 50 people on set. They were all there (family members, friends, students, production team, cast members) supporting my vision and turning my dream into reality. I was overwhelmed with gratitude.
![]() |
Lights... Camera... Action! |
I also believe that a bright light shines within each and every one of us. We all have big gifts to share, and when we tap into our creativity and passion, possibilities are endless.
Dreams DO come true!
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Transformation Day 10
Beer & Meat Lovers Pizza to Celebrate Success |
I'll admit that the pizza smelled good, but the grease running down my arm when I took the picture was reason enough to put it down. Plus, I'm going on three months without dairy, and I feel good about that. I'm sure that I'll have a beer from time to time, but I wasn't in the mood last night. I was feeling naturally energized and high on life. It was actually really liberating to be at a show and not drink. I danced... A LOT.
Earlier in the day, I vended my handmade hoops at the Saturday Morning Market. It was Salenna's birthday, and I'm grateful that she chose to spend part of it working with me. Molly, along with fellow students from my kids class, came to help out also. The weather was amazing... bright, sunny and perfect for hoop dancing. We did pretty well in sales too!
Hanging with Miss Molly |
Before leaving the market, I stocked up on fresh organic veggies: kale, beets, carrots, sunflower sprouts, onion, and bok choy. I also picked up some raw local honey, 2 fresh coconuts and pickles (gotta have my pickles). I came home in time to meditate, take a quick nap, and then get ready for the concert. I was going strong energy-wise and thinking about all of the changes I've experienced over the past 10 days, as well as my commitement to maintain results.
Organic Veggies from Market |
My dad is preparing to do the cleanse, and he has no intention of cutting out meat long-term. I'm certainly not here to pass judgement. My intention is to raise consciousness about food addictions and unhealthy patterns to support my friends and family in living happy, healthy lives. I am also committed to leading my example. Listening to our bodies and do what's best for our health and well being is the ultimate goal. Empowering people to be the best versions of themselves is what I'm here for :)
I'm heading out for lunch with a friend at Leafy Greens, and I'm really excited about it. It will be my first sit down meal in 10 days. This morning, I had L.O.V.E. blended with beet, carrot, raw honey, apple, a little fresh coconut meat, water and ice. It kept me going strong until about 2:30 p.m. The power of greens is amazing. Here's a great book if you are interested in learning more:
The Green Foods Bible.
Until next time...
Sending Love,
Friday, April 12, 2013
Transformation Day 9
The irony of life amazes me. We think we have things figured out, to a certain extent, and then something happens to shift perspective. I wrote about happiness last night, and I woke up feeling grungy. I took my master aminos, as scheduled, and began my guided meditation... There are about 5 minutes of inspirational messaging on each audio file. Today's was all about surrendering the needs of the ego to the needs of the spirit. Ultimately, it was about loving one's self.
As I settled in, something happened... the guided meditation audio file began to skip. I also forgot to put my phone on silent. It started ringing just as I was slipping into the zone. I stayed in meditation, and I let the phone ring. I was doing my best to stay present, but I was clearly distracted. Moments later, a very loud motorcycle drove by, and again, my concentration was broken. I kept bringing my attention back to the experience as best I could. Towards the end, I had tears streaming down my face, and I wasn't sure why.
I then spoke with my sister on the phone, and the discussion was heated. She thought I was trying to push my views on her, and I thought she wasn't listening. It's amazing how one thing affects another and so on... I followed up with a compassionate message soon after we hung up, and all is well.
The cleanse has taught me be responsible for the choices I make. I created the distracting situations this morning. I brought them into my experience, and now I'm taking a look at that. I very well could have turned my phone off. I could have placed my computer on a more stable surface. And without the first two distractions, maybe I would have been so deep in meditation that I wouldn't have even noticed the motorcycle?
Is it possible that I was avoiding the messages coming through the meditation because it was something I didn't want to hear? Something I was avoiding? And I now see that I could have called my sister later in the day, when I wasn't so emotionally charged.
I believe that we are creating every moment of every day. We always have choices, and when we stay present to those choices, we become conscious creators. I think we also need to embrace the times when we create things that we don't want. By looking at them as learning experiences, we grow. A wise friend once said that breakthroughs come from breakdowns.
The mental benefits of cleansing the body are exponential. We are breaking old, automatic patterns and this carries over to all areas of our lives. It's some powerful stuff, and I think the name Transformational Cleanse is spot on.
I went about my day, and food-wise, I was feeling good. I wasn't hungry, and it took me a while to finish my first Power Shake. I also managed to pull myself out of the funk. My friend Shante stopped by, and we hung out for a bit while I worked on hoops for the Saturday Morning Market. What a perfect way to end my cleanse. I love that my last day falls on a Saturday when I'm vending at the market. I can't wait to buy organic veggies from Worden Farms. On my shopping list: sunflower sprouts, strawberries, local raw honey, kale, zucchini, carrots, romaine lettuce, coconuts, bananas, onions, beets, bok choy, and whatever else looks fresh and amazing. I'm planning my meals for the upcoming week because I am determined to stay on track.
I just returned home from my weekly gig at Casa Tina's and I'm going to crank out a few more hoops before my 5:30 a.m. wake up call. I'm coming into the home stretch. Tomorrow is the big day: weigh in. I wonder how much weight I've lost?
More tomorrow.... Sending love to you in the meantime.
As I settled in, something happened... the guided meditation audio file began to skip. I also forgot to put my phone on silent. It started ringing just as I was slipping into the zone. I stayed in meditation, and I let the phone ring. I was doing my best to stay present, but I was clearly distracted. Moments later, a very loud motorcycle drove by, and again, my concentration was broken. I kept bringing my attention back to the experience as best I could. Towards the end, I had tears streaming down my face, and I wasn't sure why.
I then spoke with my sister on the phone, and the discussion was heated. She thought I was trying to push my views on her, and I thought she wasn't listening. It's amazing how one thing affects another and so on... I followed up with a compassionate message soon after we hung up, and all is well.
The cleanse has taught me be responsible for the choices I make. I created the distracting situations this morning. I brought them into my experience, and now I'm taking a look at that. I very well could have turned my phone off. I could have placed my computer on a more stable surface. And without the first two distractions, maybe I would have been so deep in meditation that I wouldn't have even noticed the motorcycle?
Is it possible that I was avoiding the messages coming through the meditation because it was something I didn't want to hear? Something I was avoiding? And I now see that I could have called my sister later in the day, when I wasn't so emotionally charged.
I believe that we are creating every moment of every day. We always have choices, and when we stay present to those choices, we become conscious creators. I think we also need to embrace the times when we create things that we don't want. By looking at them as learning experiences, we grow. A wise friend once said that breakthroughs come from breakdowns.
The mental benefits of cleansing the body are exponential. We are breaking old, automatic patterns and this carries over to all areas of our lives. It's some powerful stuff, and I think the name Transformational Cleanse is spot on.
I went about my day, and food-wise, I was feeling good. I wasn't hungry, and it took me a while to finish my first Power Shake. I also managed to pull myself out of the funk. My friend Shante stopped by, and we hung out for a bit while I worked on hoops for the Saturday Morning Market. What a perfect way to end my cleanse. I love that my last day falls on a Saturday when I'm vending at the market. I can't wait to buy organic veggies from Worden Farms. On my shopping list: sunflower sprouts, strawberries, local raw honey, kale, zucchini, carrots, romaine lettuce, coconuts, bananas, onions, beets, bok choy, and whatever else looks fresh and amazing. I'm planning my meals for the upcoming week because I am determined to stay on track.
I just returned home from my weekly gig at Casa Tina's and I'm going to crank out a few more hoops before my 5:30 a.m. wake up call. I'm coming into the home stretch. Tomorrow is the big day: weigh in. I wonder how much weight I've lost?
More tomorrow.... Sending love to you in the meantime.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Transformation Day 8
"Think peace. Think love. Read good books. Watch funny movies. Surround yourself with positive people." - Dr. Mike Wohlfeld (Naturopathic Doctor)
Studies show that the happiest people are also the healthiest. This may explain why I've been running around like a kid and smiling non-stop over the past few days.
I had an amazing day, starting with morning meditation. I then had some inspirational meetings, to connect with friends and keep the creative juices flowing. I worked on hoops after that and returned customer emails before heading out to teach. My kindergarten and first grade group had lots of questions about my green drink, and they wanted to take turns using the blender bottle. This led to a discussion on healthy eating, and I was actually really impressed with their level of awareness.
I gave up caffeine after my first 10-Day Transformation, and I have more energy than ever before. It's a different kind of energy, too. It's not the rapid heart beat/ fast crash kind, like I used to experience after two cups of coffee in the morning. This energy is pure and sustained. It feels amazing.
The transformation I'm experiencing with the cleanse is not just physical, either. By fueling our bodies with whole, nutrient-dense food, we fill ourselves with joy. And that joy spreads when we interact with others.
I had a great conversation with my friend Heather today. She's on Day 1 of her cleanse, and I'm so proud of her. She's in the right frame of mind and is totally committed to creating amazing results. I'm excited for her. I also encouraged her jot down questions and take full advantage of her call with Dr. Mike. Purium is the only health company I know of that offers free advice from a Naturopathic Doctor, as well as $50 gift cards for first-time customers.
Another benefit is the fact that there are no binders, fillers or additives in any of Purium's products. I did some research about that, and I'm now determined to make sure that my food is as clean as possible... including spices and seasonings. From now on, I'm checking labels to make sure there's no bleach and no processing. I learned that good salt has color due to naturally occuring minerals.
Education is key. The Purium website offers so many great articles and educational tools. I'm also flipping through my books and researching recipes on a daily basis... here are a few of my favorites. And if anyone has raw "uncook" book suggestions, please share :)
In closing, today was a breeze. No cravings. No hunger pains. Just pure positive energy and joy. Only two days left of my cleanse... it's a little bittersweet.
Sending love & light your way,
Studies show that the happiest people are also the healthiest. This may explain why I've been running around like a kid and smiling non-stop over the past few days.
I had an amazing day, starting with morning meditation. I then had some inspirational meetings, to connect with friends and keep the creative juices flowing. I worked on hoops after that and returned customer emails before heading out to teach. My kindergarten and first grade group had lots of questions about my green drink, and they wanted to take turns using the blender bottle. This led to a discussion on healthy eating, and I was actually really impressed with their level of awareness.
I gave up caffeine after my first 10-Day Transformation, and I have more energy than ever before. It's a different kind of energy, too. It's not the rapid heart beat/ fast crash kind, like I used to experience after two cups of coffee in the morning. This energy is pure and sustained. It feels amazing.
The transformation I'm experiencing with the cleanse is not just physical, either. By fueling our bodies with whole, nutrient-dense food, we fill ourselves with joy. And that joy spreads when we interact with others.
I had a great conversation with my friend Heather today. She's on Day 1 of her cleanse, and I'm so proud of her. She's in the right frame of mind and is totally committed to creating amazing results. I'm excited for her. I also encouraged her jot down questions and take full advantage of her call with Dr. Mike. Purium is the only health company I know of that offers free advice from a Naturopathic Doctor, as well as $50 gift cards for first-time customers.
Another benefit is the fact that there are no binders, fillers or additives in any of Purium's products. I did some research about that, and I'm now determined to make sure that my food is as clean as possible... including spices and seasonings. From now on, I'm checking labels to make sure there's no bleach and no processing. I learned that good salt has color due to naturally occuring minerals.
Education is key. The Purium website offers so many great articles and educational tools. I'm also flipping through my books and researching recipes on a daily basis... here are a few of my favorites. And if anyone has raw "uncook" book suggestions, please share :)
In closing, today was a breeze. No cravings. No hunger pains. Just pure positive energy and joy. Only two days left of my cleanse... it's a little bittersweet.
Sending love & light your way,
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Transformation Day 7
In many spiritual traditions, fasting (or cleansing the body) is considered a sacred practice. In fact, almost all nations and religions incorporate some form of fasting. The link to food and temptation can be seen throughout history. It's been said, that by practicing a regimented cleanse or fast, we can rise above the level of the body and matter to connect with our inner wisdom. This is definitely one of the reasons I've embarked on this 10-Day journey.
I've realized my power in the resistance to temptation. I see that I'm capable and deserving of great health, and my body is now thanking me for it. I feel like I'm falling in love, and I'm embracing my self worth. My eyes are clear. My mind is sharp. I like the way I look. My heart is full. These gifts are well worth a few days of discomfort...
There's a transitional period when the body clears itself of toxins. I'm drinking the same Power Shake that I drank on Day 1, but it tastes different to me now because my body is no longer acidic. It's clean and healthy, and I love the energy and taste of my greens. The Power Shake sounds way more appealing to me than a bag of chips, and that's the absolute truth. I now relate food to feeling and energy. You are what you eat. I get it now.
There's a transitional period when the body clears itself of toxins. I'm drinking the same Power Shake that I drank on Day 1, but it tastes different to me now because my body is no longer acidic. It's clean and healthy, and I love the energy and taste of my greens. The Power Shake sounds way more appealing to me than a bag of chips, and that's the absolute truth. I now relate food to feeling and energy. You are what you eat. I get it now.
I remember what it feels like to drink too much and then pig out on greasy food the next day. I'm not interested in that anymore. That's not to say that I won't enjoy a glass of wine with friends. The difference is that I now listen to my body, and I don't intend to overdo it. However, if it happens, I will forgive myself and get right back on track. As long as we do our best, there's no reason to feel bad.
Meditation is an important part of my transformation. I've written about it often over the past few days, and today, I'll explain why...
For many years, I've been using the phrase "movement meditation" and "flow" in relation to hoop dance, and its many benefits. Flow is a transcendent state of being where we have a tendency to lose sense of time and be completely absorbed in the experience. It happens other ways too (writing, creating art, playing music, sailing and practicing yoga, to name a few). While movement meditation is where I discovered flow and freedom, silent meditation was foreign to me until recently.
I started experimenting with silent and guided meditation about three months ago, and it's become an extremely important daily ritual. At first, it was difficult. I was distracted by my thoughts, and I had trouble staying present. But, like most things, the more we practice, the easier it gets. This is directly related to the cleanse experience in that the first few days were the most difficult. And with focused intention and commitment, breakthroughs come. I had a few days of discomfort, and then I broke the cravings, and it became easy.
I believe that meditation is one of the most important healing tools on the planet. Inner wisdom lives in each of us, and it can be found in the stillness. After meditation, I feel refreshed and open to unlimited possibilities. I feel like I can be, do, or have anything that I imagine.
And today, I choose to have great health. I also intend to maintain my results. I still haven't weighed myself, because weight loss is not my primary motivation. My "skinny jeans" are now loose on me, though, and it feels good. I will weigh in on Day 10. Meanwhile, I'm getting laser focused on what my eating will be like when I come off of the cleanse. I love being a vendor at the Saturday Morning Market, and I definitely look forward to picking up fresh organic whole foods this weekend... I especially miss my sunflower sprouts :)
I'll start each day with L.O.V.E. Lunch will be some kind of delicious salad, with lots of fresh veggies like peppers, sprouts, and avocado. I'll pop a few Master Aminos before my workouts, to build muscle and increase energy. I'm thinking squash with quinoa, bean salads, homemade soups, roasted veggies and lettuce wraps are all great options for dinner. Snacks will be things like fresh fruit, raw cashews, cucumbers with almond butter and carrots with hummus. And I'm definitely sticking with the Apothe Cherry before bed.
I look forward to experimenting with raw vegan recipes too. I keep hearing about Vida de Cafe, and I can't wait to try it. Their menu looks amazing.
So, as I bring Day 7 to a close, I am grateful for today. I'm feeling inspired and motivated to continue on this path. I also look forward to supporting family members and friends who are interested in taking their health on in this way too. If you are one of these people, feel free to send me a message and let me know how I can support you.
Sending love your way,
I believe that meditation is one of the most important healing tools on the planet. Inner wisdom lives in each of us, and it can be found in the stillness. After meditation, I feel refreshed and open to unlimited possibilities. I feel like I can be, do, or have anything that I imagine.
And today, I choose to have great health. I also intend to maintain my results. I still haven't weighed myself, because weight loss is not my primary motivation. My "skinny jeans" are now loose on me, though, and it feels good. I will weigh in on Day 10. Meanwhile, I'm getting laser focused on what my eating will be like when I come off of the cleanse. I love being a vendor at the Saturday Morning Market, and I definitely look forward to picking up fresh organic whole foods this weekend... I especially miss my sunflower sprouts :)
I'll start each day with L.O.V.E. Lunch will be some kind of delicious salad, with lots of fresh veggies like peppers, sprouts, and avocado. I'll pop a few Master Aminos before my workouts, to build muscle and increase energy. I'm thinking squash with quinoa, bean salads, homemade soups, roasted veggies and lettuce wraps are all great options for dinner. Snacks will be things like fresh fruit, raw cashews, cucumbers with almond butter and carrots with hummus. And I'm definitely sticking with the Apothe Cherry before bed.
I look forward to experimenting with raw vegan recipes too. I keep hearing about Vida de Cafe, and I can't wait to try it. Their menu looks amazing.
So, as I bring Day 7 to a close, I am grateful for today. I'm feeling inspired and motivated to continue on this path. I also look forward to supporting family members and friends who are interested in taking their health on in this way too. If you are one of these people, feel free to send me a message and let me know how I can support you.
Sending love your way,
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Transformation Day 6
Sunken Gardens |
This was my meditation mantra for today, and I love it. I believe that we create incredible results when we set intentions and stay committed to our visions.
As for Day 6, it's a breeze. I'm completely satisfied, clear minded, and full of energy. My food cravings are gone, and
I feel empowered.
Tuesdays are always so amazing because I get to teach at one of my favorite places... Sunken Gardens. It's a botanical paradise right in the heart of St. Petersburg... flamingos, parrots, coy ponds, lush vegetation and more. I teach a morning class for adults and a kids class in the afternoon.
As for Day 6, it's a breeze. I'm completely satisfied, clear minded, and full of energy. My food cravings are gone, and
I feel empowered.
Tuesdays are always so amazing because I get to teach at one of my favorite places... Sunken Gardens. It's a botanical paradise right in the heart of St. Petersburg... flamingos, parrots, coy ponds, lush vegetation and more. I teach a morning class for adults and a kids class in the afternoon.
I drank my Power Shake on the drive there, and I was beaming with positive energy. I had a full class this morning, and the weather was perfect. We got our heart rates up with a variety of hoop dance moves, combinations and drills. Everyone was sweating, smiling and embracing creative movement.
My Morning Hoola-Fit Class in Action |
Me and Tony Little |
As for me, I'm thinking about my maintenance plan after I finish the cleanse. This is what I neglected to do last time. Even though I successfully made dietary changes, like cutting out dairy, caffeine and soy, I slipped back into some old patterns - like eating too much and snacking simply for the texture or flavor. This time, the difference is that I'm planning ahead, and I'm committed to maintaining my results. I have a feeling I'll be dining at Leafy Greens often and experimenting with raw vegan recipes.
I'll keep at least one meal replacement per day (LOVE) and I'm definitely sticking with the Apothe Cherry before bed. Lifestyle Plus Packs make it really easy to stay on track too.
I'll keep at least one meal replacement per day (LOVE) and I'm definitely sticking with the Apothe Cherry before bed. Lifestyle Plus Packs make it really easy to stay on track too.
Well, it's been a long, action-packed day and I'm ready to get a good night's sleep.
More tomorrow...
More tomorrow...
Monday, April 8, 2013
Transformation Day 5
I'm at the halfway point, and today is all about breakthroughs! I woke up at 7 a.m. and my energy level has been through the roof ever since. I think my body finally realizes that I mean business, and the plant-based diet is here to stay.
I've gotten so much accomplished, work-wise, and I still have a few good hours in me to hand-craft hoops. Earlier today, I had lots of computer work to get done (website updates, event bookings, emails, etc.), and I was grateful for the clear-minded focus. I was so busy and full of energy that I actually forgot to drink my Power Shake. I started to feel hungry, and I laughed when I realized that I was an hour behind schedule. It was a much nicer feeling than watching the clock with anticipation, like I had done on the first two days of the cleanse.
After staring at a computer for hours, I decided to take an afternoon break to meditate and do yoga. Thank you, Deepak Chopra and Rodney Yee! I think meditation and yoga compliment the cleanse experience well, and my handy audio downloads and DVDs make it easy to stay committed.
I believe that this experience is clearing my mind while refreshing my body and spirit. The beautiful thing about the 10-Day Transformation is the fact that it promotes weight loss, detoxification, discipline, and enlightenment while actually inducing the body into a rejuvenating anabolic (or strength-building) state. During the 10 days, I'm consuming less than 600 calories a day but my body isn't going into starvation mode.
I haven't weighed myself since I started the cleanse, and I know that I've dropped some pounds. My clothes are fitting better, and I can tell that I'm slimming down. Another bonus... super soft and clear skin. But the best part is that I get to support friends and family to challenge themselves in this way too. Three of my girl friends are about to get started, and I look forward to cheering them on. My dad and sisters are next.
It's so rewarding to realize how powerful we really are. Our bodies begin to run like perfect, well-oiled machines when we feed ourselves with the good stuff.
Today, I acknowlege myself for following the PURE version of the cleanse. I'm starting to think about my post-cleanse maintenance too. If anyone has any great raw, vegan recipes, please share! I'm also saving up for a Vitamix...
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Transformation Day 4
I woke up this morning bright and early, to prepare for a little girl's birthday that I had on the calendar. Rianna was turning 5 and would be celebrating with 25 of her friends. It's always a plus to have energy, and it's especially important when it comes to running kids' events. It would also be Salenna's first time facilitating a children's party with me, and I needed to bring my "A game." It was wonderful having her there, and she was a tremendous help. We enjoyed playing hula hoop games, teaching mini lessons and performing for the kids. And... there was a BOUNCE HOUSE! The children had a blast and so did we.
I was going strong on my greens and aminos. The sun was shining bright, and it was hot outside. I made it a point to take water breaks, and I reminded myself of the importance of staying hydrated. During the Purium Transformation, we are flushing out toxins so it's especially important to drink lots of purified water. When the pizza and birthday cake arrived, I wasn't interested. I love the fact that my taste buds are changing and that cake and cheese aren't tempting anymore. I was definitely ready for my second Power Shake of the day, though. I drank it on the drive home, and I felt amazing. I'm usually drained after kids' events, but not today!
After arriving home and parting ways with Salenna, I ran some errands and reflected on how many times I've used the phrase "I'm starving." I don't know what starving feels like. I've been fortunate to have food on the table my whole life. Meanwhile, there are starving children all over the world. There are families who don't have clean water, much less the opportunity to saturate their bodies with organic living greens. I was humbled by the thought, and it really put things into perspective.
The difference between this cleanse experience and the last one, is my thought process. I'm not feeling sorry for myself anymore. I'm not drooling over restaurant commercials. I'm not sneaking foods and feeling like I cheated afterwards. I'm not playing the victim role when someone comments on the fact that I'm eating differently for 10 days. Instead, I'm approaching this experience with gratitude.
I've scarfed my food down on so many occasions... completely unconscious about what I'd eaten or where it came from. When we begin to eat consciously (reading labels, touching food, smelling it, and knowing how it got to our plates), things begin to shift. I didn't eat my avocado today. I experienced it. It might sound funny, but it's true. I thought about the giant avocado seed and wondered how long avocados take to grow. I peeled it slowly; I appreciated its rich green colors, and I enjoyed slicing it into small bites. I took my time eating, and I felt the energy that it gave my body.
This evening, I decided to make dinner for Jim. I was feeling satisfied, energetic and up for the challenge. Could I cook without "taste testing?" After returning home from the grocery store, I prepared a nice green salad, wild caught blackened haddock, sauteed spinach topped with toasted almonds, and an organic baked potato... all cooked in Organic Tropical Oil. He ate every bite and then told me that he plans to do the cleanse too!
I love to cook, and I had fun preparing the meal. Truth be told, I did have a bite of an organic green pepper while I was making the salad. I didn't eat it because I was hungry. I ate it because, in the moment, I made a conscious decision to have it. And I feel good about that decision still.
When it was time for my first Power Shake this morning, I wasn't even hungry. I know that I've broken my food addictions, and it feels so empowering. I'm happy... in body, mind and spirit. I know it's smooth sailing from here on out. More tomorrow...
Salenna and the Birthday Girl |
After arriving home and parting ways with Salenna, I ran some errands and reflected on how many times I've used the phrase "I'm starving." I don't know what starving feels like. I've been fortunate to have food on the table my whole life. Meanwhile, there are starving children all over the world. There are families who don't have clean water, much less the opportunity to saturate their bodies with organic living greens. I was humbled by the thought, and it really put things into perspective.
The difference between this cleanse experience and the last one, is my thought process. I'm not feeling sorry for myself anymore. I'm not drooling over restaurant commercials. I'm not sneaking foods and feeling like I cheated afterwards. I'm not playing the victim role when someone comments on the fact that I'm eating differently for 10 days. Instead, I'm approaching this experience with gratitude.
I've scarfed my food down on so many occasions... completely unconscious about what I'd eaten or where it came from. When we begin to eat consciously (reading labels, touching food, smelling it, and knowing how it got to our plates), things begin to shift. I didn't eat my avocado today. I experienced it. It might sound funny, but it's true. I thought about the giant avocado seed and wondered how long avocados take to grow. I peeled it slowly; I appreciated its rich green colors, and I enjoyed slicing it into small bites. I took my time eating, and I felt the energy that it gave my body.
This evening, I decided to make dinner for Jim. I was feeling satisfied, energetic and up for the challenge. Could I cook without "taste testing?" After returning home from the grocery store, I prepared a nice green salad, wild caught blackened haddock, sauteed spinach topped with toasted almonds, and an organic baked potato... all cooked in Organic Tropical Oil. He ate every bite and then told me that he plans to do the cleanse too!
I love to cook, and I had fun preparing the meal. Truth be told, I did have a bite of an organic green pepper while I was making the salad. I didn't eat it because I was hungry. I ate it because, in the moment, I made a conscious decision to have it. And I feel good about that decision still.
When it was time for my first Power Shake this morning, I wasn't even hungry. I know that I've broken my food addictions, and it feels so empowering. I'm happy... in body, mind and spirit. I know it's smooth sailing from here on out. More tomorrow...
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Transformation Day 3
Having a dinner meeting while on the cleanse was interesting. I felt satisfied last night, and while the aromas of fresh Mexican food were tempting, I stayed grounded. I noticed that I was thinking about the flavors of the food I was smelling, yet I wasn't hungry. This awareness helped me stick to the cleanse without feeling deprived.
During dinner, this comment was made: "I feel so bad that I'm eating in front of you, and you can't have anything." I appreciated my friend's compassion, but I didn't see things this way. The 10-Day Transformational cleanse is a choice that I made, and the alertness and energy that I'm experiencing are amazing. I can feel, on a cellular level, that my body is happy because it's getting what it needs, nutritionally. I notice myself smiling more too. Some weight loss is to be expected during the cleanse (the average is between 10-15 lbs), and while it's a bonus, it's not my primary motivating factor. I have big work to do in this world, and I'm worthy of incredible health. YOU ARE TOO! And that's the reason why I'm writing this blog.
Today, I woke up early to teach and vend at the Vinoy Spring Fitness Expo. What a great event! I taught hoop dance on the waterfront rooftop at 9:30 a.m. The class went really well, and the weather was amazing... 72 degrees and a cool breeze with warm sun rays shining down on us. My energy level was high, and afterwards, I returned to the Expo hall, where fellow vendors sold fitness equipment and health products. Ryan, his wife Jamie, and their beautiful children joined me at the event, and we had some great conversations about Purium Health Products. Ryan and Jamie have both done the cleanse, and we spoke about the Apothe-Cherry drink and its amazing antioxidant and anti-aging benefits. I learned that, by consuming this product on a daily basis, we can reduce aging by 80%! (I'm sipping on it now as I type this). Not only do I LOVE the flavor, I LOVE the deep, peaceful sleep that I enjoy afterwards.
Around 1 p.m., I began to feel antsy and hungry. Food was being served and there were healthy snacks available for guests (fruits, veggies and nuts). I was definitely tempted and feeling the desire to have crunchy food. I drank some water instead, and I consciously took my focus off of the feeling. After all, I only had one hour to go before my next green drink. I brought my attention back to the experience of hoop dancing and great, health-focused conversation. And before I knew it, it was time to pack up and enjoy my Power Shake. I felt joyful and satisfied as soon as I started drinking it... Plus, I was excited about a successful day of hoop sales!
After the Fitness Expo, I visited with a dear friend and then enjoyed a beautiful sunset sail. I came home and treated myself to half of an avocado (yep - I "flexed" again today and I'm totally cool with it). It's now after 10 p.m., and Day 3 is almost complete. 7 more days to go... I've got this!
Sending LOVE & FLOW,
Friday, April 5, 2013
Transformation Day 2
I'm amazed by the power of our minds! I set an intention that the cleanse would be easy, and so far, so good! Last time, when I did the cleanse, I was afraid and worried, which made things more difficult. I thought, "I'm going to be so hungry," and "What if I can't do it?" I also felt guilty for not following the cleanse exactly. On the first day, I deviated from it due to food addictions and cravings that I hadn't mastered yet, and I was too hard on myself. This time, I said: "I am committed to doing the Pure version of the cleanse, and it will be easy." I also accepted the fact that if I decide to enjoy some of the "flex" foods, then it's perfectly OK.
I am making a conscious effort to think about the reasons why I'm doing this. I imagine myself living in perfect health: energetic, disease-free with clear skin and a fit body. It's incredible how much of a difference the mindset makes. And I'm super excited that my friend Heather has decided to do the cleanse too! I had a great conversation with her on the phone this a.m. and I shared a $50 gift card with her. It feels so good to support people on their path to wellness.
So, here I am on Day 2. Purium's 10-Day Transformation offers a "flex" option, which allows up to 3 approved foods per day. Flex foods are: 1/2 an organic apple, a small banana, half an avocado, one cup of watermelon, 8oz of almond milk, 8oz. of coconut milk, 8oz of unsweetened tea and any purium green drink. Yesterday, I really wanted that avocado, so I indulged around 3 p.m. It was delicious. Aside from that, I followed the plan exactly. I alternated the aminos and green power drink throughout the day, and I enjoyed the apothe cherry before I went to bed. The cherry drink feels like a treat at the end of the night. It's a little sour and I really like the taste. It's been an easy substitute for my usual glass of wine with dinner. Here's a photo of the products:
A friend invited me to a workshop hosted by a Natropathic Doctor yesterday evening. It was a 3-hour event, and we got to learn all about digestion, nutrition and the dangers of fast food and processed food. I was amazed and horrified to learn that average store bought ice cream contains more than 300 chemicals. Meanwhile, chicken nuggets from McDonald's contain a chemical that is used in caulking and breast implants. As for artificial sweeteners... never again will they go into this body. I learned that aspartame, when heated over 85 degrees (in other words, when put in coffee), turns into formaldehyde. Our bodies don't know how to process chemicals like these, which could explain why so many Americans are sick with disease and why childhood obesity is at an all time high. Not to mention, many of the chemicals I'm speaking of are highly addictive, so people keep consuming them.
I think awareness is so important. Too often, we have no idea what we are putting into our bodies and it's literally killing us. The good news is... it doesn't have to be this way. We can cleanse, to jump start our metabolisms. And the beautiful thing about this cleanse is the fact that it's 100% natural and jam-packed with nutrients and organic ingredients such as: rice bran, carrot juice, activated barley, wheat grass, kaumt, alfalfa leaf and more. By introducing these organic superfood living greens into our diets, change is possible, and the benefits are so worth it. You are worth it and your families are worth it.
So, I'm now mid-way through Day 2, and I'm feeling great. Just like I imagined, I'm energetic and getting lots of work done. I love the productivity spike that comes with feeling good. I get to have my green drink in about an hour, and I'm definitely looking forward to it. The stomach feels a little hungry today, and that's to be expected. After all, Day 2 is the most challenging - but I know it's smooth sailing after this. Tonight will be my real test, as I have a dinner meeting with some fellow ASFP board members to discuss our upcoming fundraiser. In tomorrow's blog, I'll update you on that.
It feels good to know that there's so much support and information available too... from friends who have also done the cleanse and through the Purium website.
Until next time...
I am making a conscious effort to think about the reasons why I'm doing this. I imagine myself living in perfect health: energetic, disease-free with clear skin and a fit body. It's incredible how much of a difference the mindset makes. And I'm super excited that my friend Heather has decided to do the cleanse too! I had a great conversation with her on the phone this a.m. and I shared a $50 gift card with her. It feels so good to support people on their path to wellness.
So, here I am on Day 2. Purium's 10-Day Transformation offers a "flex" option, which allows up to 3 approved foods per day. Flex foods are: 1/2 an organic apple, a small banana, half an avocado, one cup of watermelon, 8oz of almond milk, 8oz. of coconut milk, 8oz of unsweetened tea and any purium green drink. Yesterday, I really wanted that avocado, so I indulged around 3 p.m. It was delicious. Aside from that, I followed the plan exactly. I alternated the aminos and green power drink throughout the day, and I enjoyed the apothe cherry before I went to bed. The cherry drink feels like a treat at the end of the night. It's a little sour and I really like the taste. It's been an easy substitute for my usual glass of wine with dinner. Here's a photo of the products:
A friend invited me to a workshop hosted by a Natropathic Doctor yesterday evening. It was a 3-hour event, and we got to learn all about digestion, nutrition and the dangers of fast food and processed food. I was amazed and horrified to learn that average store bought ice cream contains more than 300 chemicals. Meanwhile, chicken nuggets from McDonald's contain a chemical that is used in caulking and breast implants. As for artificial sweeteners... never again will they go into this body. I learned that aspartame, when heated over 85 degrees (in other words, when put in coffee), turns into formaldehyde. Our bodies don't know how to process chemicals like these, which could explain why so many Americans are sick with disease and why childhood obesity is at an all time high. Not to mention, many of the chemicals I'm speaking of are highly addictive, so people keep consuming them.
I think awareness is so important. Too often, we have no idea what we are putting into our bodies and it's literally killing us. The good news is... it doesn't have to be this way. We can cleanse, to jump start our metabolisms. And the beautiful thing about this cleanse is the fact that it's 100% natural and jam-packed with nutrients and organic ingredients such as: rice bran, carrot juice, activated barley, wheat grass, kaumt, alfalfa leaf and more. By introducing these organic superfood living greens into our diets, change is possible, and the benefits are so worth it. You are worth it and your families are worth it.
So, I'm now mid-way through Day 2, and I'm feeling great. Just like I imagined, I'm energetic and getting lots of work done. I love the productivity spike that comes with feeling good. I get to have my green drink in about an hour, and I'm definitely looking forward to it. The stomach feels a little hungry today, and that's to be expected. After all, Day 2 is the most challenging - but I know it's smooth sailing after this. Tonight will be my real test, as I have a dinner meeting with some fellow ASFP board members to discuss our upcoming fundraiser. In tomorrow's blog, I'll update you on that.
It feels good to know that there's so much support and information available too... from friends who have also done the cleanse and through the Purium website.
Until next time...
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Transformation Day 1
Greetings, friends! Thank you for taking the time to read my new health and wellness blog. Over the next 10 days, I will be blogging about my experience with Purium's 10-Day Transformation Cleanse.
I was introduced to Purium Health Products almost three months ago, with the intention of seeking out an all natural protein shake. My friend Ryan told me about a transformational cleanse intended to jump start the metabolism and increase energy. The best part... it's 100% natural (no binders, fillers, artificial colors/ flavors, no dairy, no soy and no genetically modified organisms). Sign me up!
I had never done a cleanse before. I was nervous about completing the 10 days in excellence. I had faith in my commitment to health and wellness, so I was up for the challenge. Little did I know that the cleanse would also prove to be one of the most mentally transformative experiences of my life. It enabled me to see where my food addictions lived. Was I really hungry or was I simply craving certain textures and flavors? Salty, crunchy, and sweet seemed to be my favorite. It was empowering to realize that I was capable of "conscious eating." I realized that I didn't need to snack on things simply because I wanted the sensation of the flavor. After coming to these realizations, an amazing thing happened: My cravings started to diminish. I was losing weight and my energy level spiked.
I teach children's fitness classes, and during the cleanse, I felt like a child myself. I was bouncing out of bed at 5:30 a.m., full of energy and ready to take on my day. I was more productive with my work; my clothes started to fit better; and I felt amazing. I wasn't hungry either. Granted, Day 1 and Day 2 were the most challenging, and once I got over that 2-day hump, I was on a roll! By the end of the cleanse, I had dropped 10 lbs.
It's been a few months, and I've successfully cut out caffeine, dairy and soy from my diet. I've been vegetarian for almost 8 years, and for me personally, the cleanse helped me realize the importance of living raw food. My favorite restaurant now is Leafy Greens Cafe. So delicious and healthy :) And the energy that courses through my body after eating (or drinking) live greens is amazing.
For these reasons, I've decided to do the cleanse again. Today is my first day. The schedule is:
7 a.m.: master aminos
9 a.m.: power green shake
11:30 a.m.: master aminos
2 p.m.: power green shake
4 p.m.: master aminos
6:30 p.m.: power green shake
9:30 p.m.: apothe cherry (made from Montmorency Tart Cherries, which are nature’s most nutritionally dense food. They contain a wide variety of antioxidants and phyto-chemicals).
I woke up this morning feeling excited and ready. Following morning meditation, I drank my first green drink (an amazing blend of nutritious, organic ingredients such as: activated barley, carrot juice, kamut, wheat grass, alfalfa leaf, rice bran solubles and more). As I drank it, I could feel my body thanking me. I love the taste and I know that I'm receiving nutrients straight from Mother Nature. Last time I did the cleanse, Day 2 was the most challenging. Stay tuned for tomorrow's blog. I have a feeling this time will be a little easier. I also promise to share authentically... bumps & challenges along with the successes.
My intention with this blog is to inspire others to take themselves on in this way too. I believe that we are powerful, creative beings and that we deserve magnificent health. I thought I was eating healthy for many years, yet I knew nothing about the harmful effects of GMOs, pesticides sprayed on fruits & veggies or the misleading packaging of foods that I thought were good for me. And I'm still learning every day. There's an amazing book called The Green Foods Bible... I've started reading it and still have a ways to go. More on that soon, I'm sure.
Meanwhile, here's some more info. about Purium and the Cleanse:
I was introduced to Purium Health Products almost three months ago, with the intention of seeking out an all natural protein shake. My friend Ryan told me about a transformational cleanse intended to jump start the metabolism and increase energy. The best part... it's 100% natural (no binders, fillers, artificial colors/ flavors, no dairy, no soy and no genetically modified organisms). Sign me up!
I had never done a cleanse before. I was nervous about completing the 10 days in excellence. I had faith in my commitment to health and wellness, so I was up for the challenge. Little did I know that the cleanse would also prove to be one of the most mentally transformative experiences of my life. It enabled me to see where my food addictions lived. Was I really hungry or was I simply craving certain textures and flavors? Salty, crunchy, and sweet seemed to be my favorite. It was empowering to realize that I was capable of "conscious eating." I realized that I didn't need to snack on things simply because I wanted the sensation of the flavor. After coming to these realizations, an amazing thing happened: My cravings started to diminish. I was losing weight and my energy level spiked.
I teach children's fitness classes, and during the cleanse, I felt like a child myself. I was bouncing out of bed at 5:30 a.m., full of energy and ready to take on my day. I was more productive with my work; my clothes started to fit better; and I felt amazing. I wasn't hungry either. Granted, Day 1 and Day 2 were the most challenging, and once I got over that 2-day hump, I was on a roll! By the end of the cleanse, I had dropped 10 lbs.
It's been a few months, and I've successfully cut out caffeine, dairy and soy from my diet. I've been vegetarian for almost 8 years, and for me personally, the cleanse helped me realize the importance of living raw food. My favorite restaurant now is Leafy Greens Cafe. So delicious and healthy :) And the energy that courses through my body after eating (or drinking) live greens is amazing.
For these reasons, I've decided to do the cleanse again. Today is my first day. The schedule is:
7 a.m.: master aminos
9 a.m.: power green shake
11:30 a.m.: master aminos
2 p.m.: power green shake
4 p.m.: master aminos
6:30 p.m.: power green shake
9:30 p.m.: apothe cherry (made from Montmorency Tart Cherries, which are nature’s most nutritionally dense food. They contain a wide variety of antioxidants and phyto-chemicals).
I woke up this morning feeling excited and ready. Following morning meditation, I drank my first green drink (an amazing blend of nutritious, organic ingredients such as: activated barley, carrot juice, kamut, wheat grass, alfalfa leaf, rice bran solubles and more). As I drank it, I could feel my body thanking me. I love the taste and I know that I'm receiving nutrients straight from Mother Nature. Last time I did the cleanse, Day 2 was the most challenging. Stay tuned for tomorrow's blog. I have a feeling this time will be a little easier. I also promise to share authentically... bumps & challenges along with the successes.
My intention with this blog is to inspire others to take themselves on in this way too. I believe that we are powerful, creative beings and that we deserve magnificent health. I thought I was eating healthy for many years, yet I knew nothing about the harmful effects of GMOs, pesticides sprayed on fruits & veggies or the misleading packaging of foods that I thought were good for me. And I'm still learning every day. There's an amazing book called The Green Foods Bible... I've started reading it and still have a ways to go. More on that soon, I'm sure.
Meanwhile, here's some more info. about Purium and the Cleanse:
If you decide to join me in the 10-Day Transformation, please let me know. I'm here to support you and be your cheerleader. I also have a limited number of gift cards to share with friends/ family who are interested.
Cheers to Great Health & Wellness!
XOXO, Abby
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